amongst the madness

/ print by pomalia /

amongst the madness that was the past week and a half, reuben got me my 30th birthday present - a trip to singapore! i've been wanting to go ever since holly moved there, but the conditions just fell into place last week - just enough airpoints to cover the trip, dominique will be able to come over from vietnam to meet me, holly and keemin will be there and even my former coworker pdus will be around - i can't wait! i won't be going for my birthday, but a bit later in april to the start of may.

/ print by loosepetals /

and because we just can't seem to get enough of australia these days, we're also throwing in a trip to melbourne in june for reuben's sister alex's birthday. i'm just so excited for all this travel!


Unknown said…
But but but - you'll be here for MY birthday!! We can celebrate together, perhaps at LeVeL33. =)

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